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About Us: Portfolio


The Abundant Joy Christian Center began at pastor’s house when four women asked him to host a Saturday morning Bible study. Internationally known senior pastors offered words of encouragement. Our first worship service was held at the ballroom of the Newark Gateway Hilton, Sunday, February 4, 1996, Newark, NJ.  After a few months, we moved to the Church at the Crossroads, East Orange, NJ, where we conducted our first baptism service.  November 1996, God opened a door to move to Jersey City.  We are a community-oriented congregation thus in March 2004 we changed our name to The Abundant Joy Community Church.  We seek to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ real in our daily lives. We are members of the American Baptist Churches of New Jersey, and the Christian Disciples of Christ.


Abundant Joy is guided by God. We stand on the Word of God. We love like Jesus. We pray and praise under the direction of the fresh winds of the Holy Spirit. We work knowing He is coming back again to judge the living and the dead. We know that God requires justice and mercy. We are all sinners saved by grace. Our Mission: Breaking Barriers, Restoring Respect, Love and Dignity into our lives through Jesus Christ. 



Abundant Joy is deeply involved in social justice based on biblical principles and our commitment to community transformation. We work tirelessly to root out racism, anti blackness and economic slavery. We believe worship must be spiritual, informative, fun and offer compassionate care. We welcome all manifestations of the Holy Spirit into our worship and work. We seek to be a multiethnic congregation with Black Baptist roots. We look to build a multi-purpose headquarters to include: a worship center, classrooms, offices, advanced technology, music rooms, law clinic and spaces for compassionate care.

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